Vase – Jars

July 28, 2017

Every now and then one just needs to explore and try out different things. Not with a particular purpose in mind, but instead with an empty clear mind and a lump of clay in your hands. Vases and jars give me that flexibility. The clay can be moulded, re...


July 27, 2017

While working on ‘orb’ I was trying to find my quite self. There is so much noise and confusion all around that it’s sometimes hard to hear one’s own heart and soul. Finding that light shining from within calms all external stimuli. It allows a person to breathe freely...

Wall Pieces & Platters

July 26, 2017

A bowl can just be a simple thrown bowl, a platter a simple thrown platter….But, somehow, I feel that the beauty of clay can get lost in a perfectly thrown bowl/platter. The beauty of finding the perfection in imperfection is something totally captivating. The platters I create are simple...

Sculptural Tea Pots

July 25, 2017

These sculptural tea pots started off due to an exhibition that was a tea pot show based on the animal of year from the Chinese calendar. A spark was lit and I have since then kept exploring and experimenting along this theme. Making a tea pot is a task...

Tasmania Residency – Reedy Marsh

July 24, 2017

Mid- March 2013, I took on one of the most adventurous journey of my life, where for 66 days I travelled around Australia, completed a residency with ceramic artist Neil Hoffmann in Tasmania and attended “Clay Push” a ceramic conference held in Gulgong. Amongst the beautiful, breathtaking landscape of...