Sci Fi Series – Metri Arc

July 18, 2017

My training as an architect has always had a huge influence on all my work. I see the world in lines and planes. A mish-mash of shapes interplaying with each other, coming together to create a tangential universe.  In this tangential universe, I create work that is true to...

Story Teller Series

July 15, 2017

Imagine, if vessels could speak: what amazing story-tellers they’d be! Their journeys and tales they’d learn; the stories of adventures they’d testify to; would all become narrative melodies to our thirsty souls. Each crevice, each dent on the vessel, each little speck on its surface; will have a different story hidden within it. Some run...


July 12, 2017

All our lives are a circular whirlwind. One consequence leading to another which in turn leads to the next event in life. It’s all in a circular fashion, sometimes ending where one starts off and sometimes the journey seeming never ending. Circumvolution is my interpretation of this never ending...

Multiple Personality

July 11, 2017

Exploration about myself has always been trying to find where I fit in and how I respond to the environment differently based on the situation. This body of work is a direct response to this. ‘Multiple personality’ started while I was traveling and working in the Scandinavian area, meeting...

Early Work

June 29, 2017

Having finished my architecture I entered the industry with plans to “change the world” but my eagerness and curiosity had me trying out various other creative fields. It was almost like I was in search of something that was still to come my way. Pondicherry and ceramics was my...